
In which an Oxford graduate negotiates the turgid waters of the British employment market. And rants about it.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Red Faces and Disappointments

Well, I actually had a very nice time last night. And I discovered a new dieting device: order a curry that's so hot it makes your face sweat, and you'll only be able to eat half of it.

My companion tried some, said "hmm, it is rather hot, isn't it," and finished it off. How embarrassing. I think it's time to put an end to the fiction that I can eat VERY HOT things.

However, when I checked my email this morning I discovered that I've not been given the job I was waiting to hear about, and while I was sort of expecting it, it's still disappointing. What on earth is it about me that makes me unemployable? I have a good degree from a world-class university, and I can't find a damn job. Now that is embarrassing...


  • At 11:17 am, Blogger Sophster said…


    Seems to me the best people get the most rejections (I'm sure the interviewers are just overwhelmed with your fabulousness and know their rubbishness would be shown up with such a star like you working for them). Anyway I'm sure when you get a job it will be the best job ever and will have been worth the wait.

  • At 10:14 pm, Blogger Thea said…

    LML, it's horrible getting rejected for things, but please try not to take it personally (yes, I know what a crap thing that is to say). All I can say is that at the grand old age of 39, the jobs I've liked best have invariably been the ones I've wandered or stumbled into. I hope you wander or stumble into something lovely soon.


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