
In which an Oxford graduate negotiates the turgid waters of the British employment market. And rants about it.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Hewitt may close 'unpopular' hospitals

This has just caught my eye, and I had serious difficulty in not yelling out loud in the middle of the office. When are this government going to work out that hospitals (and for that matter schools) are not department stores? As far as medicine is concerned, I'm really not convinced that extensive patient choice is sensible or desirable, since the average Briton a) knows sod all about health and medicine and b) thinks he/she knows loads. And even if it is, just because a service is not used very much doesn't, as far as I can see, mean it isn't necessary. Yet another example of the tyranny of the majority.


  • At 12:03 pm, Blogger Thea said…

    It's mad isn't it? I don't want a choice of hospitals or schools or anything else. I just want my local one to be as good as the others. Doh.

    Choice is completely illusory when you can choose between rubbish A and rubbish B, and unnecessary if service provision is appropriate and good quality.


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