
In which an Oxford graduate negotiates the turgid waters of the British employment market. And rants about it.

Friday, October 28, 2005


I have a temporary job! In a bank... Doubtless after a week or so I'll hate it and be moaning non-stop about rude customers, but the idea of money coming in is bloody marvellous after all this time. Plus it means that I can tell the jobcentre to stick their signing on times, menial jobs and general rudeness up their collective arse. Oh yes. In fact I should really go out and do that before 5pm today, since I start work on Monday...

Go me!


  • At 10:40 pm, Blogger uber said…

    Congratulations - from small acorns and all that. Hope it works out - temporary things have a habit of becoming permanent before you know it.

    It's been a while, happily, but I recall the joy of signing off. Hope you enjoyed that!


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